the ipad rotates the pictures correctly. Windows you will need to rotate your monitors for now.

The group leaves today from Geneva airport to Washington DC. At breakfast Ashley realizes we are leaving at 8:30 so needsto go up and reorganize her suitcase. Diane as happy the zipper stayed closed on hers. Since the outdoor public elavator and escalators were not working the past few days the hotel manager gave us instructions on how to use the secret private elavator. Sadly the old timers were almost to the public elevator and we made them turn back. once Sidney arrived at the elavator the door was locked. But after 3 weeks in Switzerland she was trained to just pull harder. It opened. We went in. The eleveator was not arge enough for all so we went in 2 stages. There were 4 floors. They pushed all the buttons. The crew left at the bottom heard Ashley say on each floor - It's not this one. 4th floor opened to a bridge across the alley to the correct street. As we passwed the public elevator and escalator we noted both were wirking this morning.

The crew at the Montreux train station waiving good bye to Switzerland.

At the airport waiting as Grandma tried to negotiate for a free flight home

To bad the sun wasn't shining the previous 2 days

nice views

Geneva Botanical Gardens

Geneva Botanical Gardens

Geneva Botanical Gardens

Geneva Botanical Gardens

Geneva Botanical Gardens

The peacokcs roamed free

Black Swan

United Nations

Feeding the swans after we ate

Sailboats on the lake